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Development of High Temperature Resistant Nylon Flame Retardant Materials in Guiyang


In the draft of Guiyang New Material Industry Innovation and Development Action Plan (2013-2015), it is proposed that the R&D of modification and processing application technology should be strengthened to enhance the supply capacity of high-end modified engineering plastics as soon as possible, accelerate the development of polyamide (PA), expand its application scope and improve its properties, such as wide temperature resistance, high impact resistance, aging resistance, high wear resistance and easy processing. Self sufficiency rate. At the same time, aiming at the engineering plastics represented by high temperature nylon, the key technology of preparation of high-end phosphorus flame retardant products was solved, and the organic phosphorus flame retardant with independent intellectual property rights and its synthesis process were developed. The industrialization of high-end organic phosphorus flame retardant represented by high temperature resistant nylon was realized.

What is High Temperature Resistant Nylon

Polyamide (PA), commonly known as nylon, is a general term for polymers containing amide groups in the main chain repeating units of macromolecule. It is the most widely used variety of the five general engineering plastics with the highest yield and variety.

It has good comprehensive properties, including mechanical properties, heat resistance, wear resistance, chemical resistance and self-lubrication, low friction coefficient, certain flame retardancy, easy processing, suitable for filling and strengthening modification with glass fiber and other fillers, and widely used in machinery, automobile, electrical appliances, textile equipment, chemical equipment, aviation, metallurgy and other fields.

Shijiazhuang yuying new material technology co. LTD/

Changchun yinghan new material technology co. LTD

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